Michael Wesch’s video, “A Vision of Students Today” captures that schools teachings today may not be relevant to some students and not prepare them for the rest of their lives. Many college students get out and have been prepared for jobs that don’t even exist yet. Students determine their future by how hard they work but when they don’t care about what they are learning they fall behind. Wesch showed how many students do not even show up to their classes and if they do show up they get distracted by technology. This shows that Wesch believes that today there are too many distractions for students.
Wesch's ideas in "A Vision of Students Today" on how education may not effect some students is false because most students do learn from school. If students apply themselves to their work then they will be successful. Even though one students may not show up for class that does not mean that does not mean that all students do not care about the class. Some students may already know the course and not have to show up for that class. Yes, students may get distracted and go to websites when they should be learning or taking notes. If a teacher can make a class fun but also focus on education students are more likely to show up and participate in the class. Wesch states that students have 26.5 hours of stuff to do a day and are overloaded with work. This may be true but some people learn or work faster than others. Those who work faster have much more time during their day. The people who do not learn quickly should get help from others on things they don't understand. Students need to prioritize and put their learning before their free time. Even though he said technology can be dangerous, technology improves learning. If they miss a class they can go on and see what they did that day. Instead of the student having a big folder full of crumpled paper they can have all their documents stored in one place that if ever lost can be downloaded again. The teachers can use the Internet to make an easy place for students to go and find all of their assignments or even communicate with the teacher. When students can connect with their teachers and reach out they are much more likely to succeed. Education is important to all students.